Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Due to the crazy heat & humidity I am changing the park time so we can enjoy some time outside before the 100* heat index melts us all away.

2nd Wed of the Month
9:00 AM

Andover Central Park

If we get too hot then we can always go to the Andover Library and let the kids play with the puzzles and read books. And mourn that there is no longer a coffee shop in the Library (just thought I would throw that in there!). :)

Ok - Hope to see you at 9am.

I know...it's early - come in your jammies if you'd like and no makeup required.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

We're Back! May 12th...

Here's the Scoop...
We are going for free - a little less preparation for play group & MOST IMPORTANT...consistency!

So... Here's the schedule
Weather Permitting we will be at the park at 10am on Wednesdays for playgroup. Anyone is welcome, so invite your friends. Any age group of kids are welcome so we hope to see you there.
Bring a snack or a sack lunch if you would like.

Wednesday, May 12th we will be at Andover City Park, located just across from the Andover Library.

May 19th - join us at the Bel Aire Park, located on Woodlawn just south of 45th street (next to the fire station)

May 26th - join us at Sedgwick County Park, the play area near the Zoo Blvd entrance.

For Future Reference here is the plan...
Each Month, weather permitting we will be at the follow location at 10am:
1st Wed - Eastborough Park
2nd Wed - Andover City Park
3rd Wed - Bel Aire Park
4th Wed - Sedgwick County Park

Please check back here regularly just to make something hasn't changed. If the above parks don't work out in May, then we may change locations for June. But for now this is the plan we are hoping to stick with.

Can't wait to Play!